Application for Participation

We ask that you familiarize yourself with our mission statement under the About Us header!
Currently we are in the alpha test stage and can't accept everyone at once to test our server. But we are looking to open to a few dozen artist projects currently. When making a decision we choose from such factors as:
- the level of your drawing skills.
- your desire for full-time drawing and time to dedicate to your project.
- the presence of a story line in your project.
- the number of submissions in your gallery and your experience and client base.
Using the email below, provide us with some information about yourself as well as a link to any existing art galleries. If you're chosen to be one of our alpha testers, you'll receive an invite from us via return email! Other inquiries will be sent an invitation to be a beta tester a little later, when we are ready to scale up our servers. We will definitely get in touch with everyone - just some a little earlier as we move through testing the server load!
Contact Us to Join
support [aaaat]